Trisha Gow: Introduction to dyeing with Fungi

09/10/2021 - 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

The October meeting will be a talk in the morning from Trisha Gow with whom some of you will be having a fungus hunt around Boat of Garten in August. Trisha is a member of the Scottish Fungi Dye Group and has donated to the guild library a copy of the “Fabulous Fungi Dyes” produced by the Group. This contains information about dyeing with fungi in Scotland together with photographs of the stunning work produced by some of the members of the Group. There is an incredible range of vibrant colours to be obtained from the fungi available in Scotland. The book can be viewed at the following link: Fabulous Fungi Dyes, if you don’t want to wait for face to face meetings to resume to see it in its paper form in the guild library. The Group also has a video available.

Trisha is a tapestry weaver and has exhibited her work in many countries. She will be talking to us about her interest in fungus dyeing, showing us some of her work, and telling us about the Scottish Fungi Dye Group and the International Fungi and Fibre Symposium of which the Scottish group is a member, having previously hosted the Symposium at the Royal Botanical Gardens in Edinburgh. Trisha’s own website is Dyeing to Weave
