Our tutor for the May 2019 workshop was Louise Martin, a very skilled and experienced tapestry weaver. She had brought looms ready warped for us to use, and had sent instructions for those who wished to bring their own looms. Louise started us off with basic weaving, then moved on to weaving ridges, adding “worms” and fringes, and working with supplementary warps. She allowed everyone to work at her own pace, demonstrating new techniques as people were ready for them. She had infinite patience, and didn’t seem to mind demonstrating something several times. I’ve arranged the photos so that you can see how each piece developed.
[envira-gallery id=”3454″]We ran an open day in parallel with this workshop. This was attended by about a dozen people, and seems to have been very successful. It was held in the main hall, and attracted visitors from the art sale and exhibition which was being held in the other room.
[envira-gallery id=”3453″]