The Black Isle Show is on the Wednesday and Thursday after the Nairn Show, and opens to the public at 4pm on Wednesday, so we got there about 1.00 to start setting up. A good thing we were early – no tables or chairs and slightly less space than last year! A phone call solved the first problem, and we managed to reclaim a bit of space from the fleece competition! Our location near the sheep show and the shearing competition is good, and draws in interested people, but a good year for the fleece and crooks competitions means a lean year for us in terms of space.
This year we had display boards, provided by Alison Roddham, with information about our core crafts. Alison also brought along a selection of inkle looms, including two old box types, one original, one reproduction, a tablet weaving loom, and a peg loom; Henriette was weaving colourful patterns on her 8-shaft, Fergus set up his upright loom, and I had the SampleIt, so weaving was well represented. Catherine Freeland, who wasn’t able to be there, sent two baskets of luscious dye samples. Spinning wheels whirred, spindles twirled and the display included articles made from handspun, and Sue’s skeins of fancy yarn, and skeins from different types of fleece. Meanwhile, in a tent far away (at least on the other side of the showground!) Sadie was introducing children to tapestry weaving and helping them to make woven tree decorations.
Two good days; the weather was reasonably kind to us and we had a lot of visitors, many of them genuinely interested in our crafts. Lots of people had a go at spinning and at most of the types of weaving on offer. We met old friends – Deborah Ilett was there with three of her grandchildren. And Sheila won two trophies in the craft competition! Thanks to everyone who took part.
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