So it is the AGM tomorrow and I can’t go as I am stuck in bed. I should be writing the Chair’s report but thought I would just raise a couple of points here (facebook) and on the website ( help please Helen) so you might think about them in advance.
We have a great workshop programme that is supposed to run from Sept to June with a balance of weaving, spinning and dyeing with practical workshops and talks.. We think there is a demand for more simple spinning days, Members’ Days and Beginners spinning. How should we meet this demand without compromising on the workshops that we provide? One suggestion is that we try to have more Big Spins, emulating the Achmore Day which is held in September. We could have a Spring Spin in Inverness or Ardross.
We could just have more meetings but would you come?
There is so much interest in spinning and lots of people say they would like to try. Should the Guild be more active in offering Beginner’s spinning ? Our remit is to encourage and promote the craft but we are all improvers and benefit from our workshops. Can we just rely on local spinning groups and people who want to teach?
Also at the AGM I wanted views on whether we should have a wheel. Apparently the Guild wheel is damaged. I bought a basic Ashford traditional which was used at Knitfest. Is it useful to have one for shows etc and available for hire or do demonstrators tend to use their own. Storage is an issue. Now maintenance is also needed.
Hope to see you all soon.
Best wishes