Category: event reports
August 2021 All About Cotton
I wasn’t able to attend this meeting, so the write up is thanks to Liz. I clearly missed a very interesting meeting which looked at spinning, weaving and dyeing cotton, with contributions from several of our members. It’s attached here as a document: Cotton spinning
July 2021 Cally Booker – Weaver
Cally gave an inspiring talk on her life as a weaver from how she got started to the work she is doing now. She described her journey as a series of accidents! Cally lives and works in Dundee and her walk from home to her studio in an old jute mill takes her through a…
June 2021 Book Discussion
June Meeting – Book Recommendations This was Susan Godlington’s idea – what a great meeting! The books members chose to recommend included poetry and novels, history, inspiration, books they learned to spin or weave from, and books they go to when planning a project. I’ve put all of the recommendations into a booklist: HGWSD June…
Dyeing Workshop May 2021
Normally in a dye workshop the person leading explains the process, shows samples and then participants are able to have a go. First measuring carefully, following rules, then, when they feel confident with the process, letting loose their imagination and having fun. This tine, because we couldn’t meet up, we focussed on explaining and hoped…
Flax Workshop April 2021
Guild member Sophie presented this workshop. There is a long history of flax growing in Friesland in the Netherlands where Sophie lives. As recently as 150 years ago everyone had a small field of flax, which the women spun into linen yarn for shirts, nightwear, children’s clothes, lace etc. The woman who taught Sophie to…
Fleece Workshop March 2021
Amanda Hannaford ran this workshop, which focussed on fleece – the different properties of fleece from a variety of breeds, how to process and spin them to get the best from them, and what the resulting yarn can be used for. [envira-gallery id=”4426″] She started by showing us samples of short, medium and long stapled…
Silk Spinning February 2021
Jaine Mahon of (Skye Silks) gave us a wonderful workshop on silk spinning via Zoom on the morning of 13 February. She started by taking us on a tour of her studio, showing us some of her lovely handwoven silk scarves, and other handwoven and hand dyed items, then on to spinning. She had made…
January gathering
The morning Crafters’ Question Time, attended by 18 or 19 people brought an interesting range of questions and answers and ended on a light note with “What is the most extravagant craft item you’ve bought and has it improved your crafting, which everyone had the chance to answer! The afternoon session, again attended by 19…
December pm gathering
Following the Teneriffe Lace workshop in the morning several people proudly shared their completed medallions, while some continued to work on theirs, or spin, or just join in the general chat. There was some interesting headgear which we all admired, plus the usual visits from pets! Later we had a show and tell – easy…
Teneriffe Lace December 2020
Teneriffe lace medallions are worked on a circular loom (cardboard and pins!), a bit like Dorset buttons. They can be quite simple or more complex as the pictures show, and were used for collars table cloths etc. They would also make snowflakes for your Christmas tree. Mary has provided instructions for making a card loom:…
Tapestry and Quiz Day 14 November 2020
[envira-gallery id=”4126″] Our morning Zoom session focussed on tapestry weaving, with a total of 16 members taking part. We had a show and tell, and were able to admire a range of tapestry weaving styles. Sadie Paige showed some of the samples she has created for the Certificate of Achievement. She didn’t want those to…
Britspin 2020
BritSpin – The British Wool Spinning Marathon – Team Highland Guild report by Team Captain – Liz Armstrong For those that don’t know, BritSpin is a 4-day spinning event where teams of 10 spinners compete in a spinning marathon and some optional additional events. The event raises money for charity and this year’s charity was…
Zoom meetings 10 October 2020
At the pre-AGM meeting in September we decided to start a programme of Zoom meetings for members, held on our usual Guild days – the second Saturday of the month. This was the first, and it worked extremely well. In the morning we had show and tell, and a fair bit of general chat. It…
Colours of Highland
To start off this gallery Alison M has sent a picture of a tapestry weaving inspired by late sun on the hills. She used a variety of yarns, including Harris yarns and wool left over from the Scottish tapestry panel she was involved in stitching. She sent two pictures and I’m including both as I’m…
Sea and Shore
As it is difficult to meet up at the moment, we have decided to celebrate our crafts in a couple of on-line exhibitions. This is the first and will run to mid October. I will be adding pictures as they are sent in. To start off we have my Krokbragd weavings, following on from the…