Draped in “Prayer Flags”

Catherine has been putting her time spent ill to very good use !

“This is my project since the dark days of January.

A 5 ” wide warp, using a threading for my four shafts that I saw Theo Wright using for his scarves.  He’s a professional weaver who is also a lover of data and mathematics (like Cally Booker, see latest ‘journal’ !) so nothing like me.  I used a few colours in the warp, which although done on a warping board, just went on and on, allowing me to try out different colours and treading.  Messing about, in other words.  My energy has been erratic in February, so this is a sort of record of my recovery from flu.  As usual, the colours I chose as weft near the end are the ones I like best, so now I have to find some beautiful yarns to re-create a texture that would be nicer to wear, unless I want to have things hanging around like prayer flags.



2 responses to “Draped in “Prayer Flags””

  1. jane

    Dear Catherine,

    Very well done! I just love the red and burnt orange pieces outside the house…they’re my favourites.

    I do hope y9u’re feeling better.

    With very best wishes,

    (A beginner weaver)

  2. jane

    Dear Catherine,

    Oops! Sorry… I’m afraid I sent you a message with a typo! I do apologise. I hope you forgive me, my typing is usually much better!

    All the best with your weaving.
