Michelle Stirling has been experimenting with eco dyeing for some time now, and has produced some very interesting fabrics and art work (see pictures below).
[envira-gallery id=”3575″]She is involved in a project on Facebook called “earth signature bundle”, and invites anyone who wishes to join in. Send your results, or questions, to Michelle via Facebook, or through this web site.
Here are some pictures of the process:
[envira-gallery id=”3569″]This is the project in Michelle’s words:
Hello everyone,
Who would like to be part of a world wide fun project? It’s called “earth signature bundle”. Lots of folk who have never done it before are taking part.
All you do is
1. Wet a piece of cloth (say pillow case size) with water, viniger or tannin, soya or milk, you can ad natural dye to it, squeeze out the excess liquid
2. Place any kind of leaves or plants with rusty pieces on it
3. Fold or roll it up or crumple then tie tightly
4. Bury it in the compost heap the ground or sand if by the coast
5. Leave for 4-6 weeks and dig up
Dig up on or around the 27th of November
If you would like to take part say yes in the comments please. I’m coordinating this project for the Highlands of Scotland and I’m here for you to ask anything you wish but most of all have fun. The worst that can happen is you have a rotten bit of interesting shaped cloth with stains on it!