The morning Crafters’ Question Time, attended by 18 or 19 people brought an interesting range of questions and answers and ended on a light note with “What is the most extravagant craft item you’ve bought and has it improved your crafting, which everyone had the chance to answer!
The afternoon session, again attended by 19 people, was filled with friendly chat and exchange of information. Ruth had just bought a tape loom, which many of us hadn’t heard of – it will enable the production of inkle type bands without the length restriction of an inkle loom. Scandinavian band looms were also mentioned – something to look up!
The pictures below mostly relate to the show and tell. There were three Fair Isle patterned hats; two sea-themed pictures; Terry was wearing her handspun jumper, Denise was finishing hers; Alison had made a patchwork fabric from hexagons woven on a pin loom, and showed a picture of the bag she plans to make; Sheila had used her handwoven fabric for the base of her patchwork bag. Alison showed how her inkle loom is set up with supplementary heddles for the pattern she is weaving.
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