Sea and Shore

As it is difficult to meet up at the moment, we have decided to celebrate our crafts in a couple of on-line exhibitions. This is the first and will run to mid October. I will be adding pictures as they are sent in. To start off we have my Krokbragd weavings, following on from the March workshop, and Mary’s dyed tops in sea colours; then Hilma’s skein in summery sea colours. Two pictures from Terry next: of the first, white fleece, Terry says: a fleecy view that makes me think of swaying weed among the sea foam (Scots Blackface); and the second: the tide rushing on to seaweedy shoreline rocks (Blue Texel). I’ve just added Isobel’s tapestry to the gallery, although it’s been there in a comment for a while. And from Liz some of her dyed fibre and one of the felted lampshades she makes. Jane has sent some skeins created by combining several bobbin ends in similar colours which reflect the theme, plus a photo of the real thing from one of her walks.

Note: because I’m building the gallery as the photos come in they are in reverse order.
[envira-gallery id=”3990″]


3 responses to “Sea and Shore”

  1. Terry Williams

    Hello, here is my first submission – a fleecy view that makes me think of swaying weed among the sea foam (Scots Blackface).

    If not suitable, feel free to turn it down. I’ve had fun thinking and choosing from my very limited beginner’s stash!

  2. Terry Williams

    And here’s another – the tide rushing on to seaweedy shoreline rocks (Blue Texel).

  3. Isobel Scott

    An historical early sea-scape tapestry with added oyster catcher! When I get back to tapestry, I’d love to weave more shorelines.