Strathnairn Community Woodland Gala 1 Sept 2024

Karen Buchananevent reports, Reports, weaving reports0 Comments

A most enjoyable day.  The sun shone, though it was bit chilly in the woods, and there was a nice friendly atmosphere with families out to enjoy the woodland and the activities that had been laid on.  We were first asked to participate in this event last year when it was held at the end of May, and I had agreed to do it, then couldn’t as the date was changed.  Because it was a woodland event I had suggested weaving with natural materials, so thought I’d better offer that this year as well.  I spent a good bit of the previous day setting up fish shapes and circles in willow for people to weave into and take away – several people looked at these and thought it was a good idea, but no-one actually had a go!  However, several people tried weaving on my sampleit loom, and several children made bracelets using my weaving sticks – at one point I had three in a row, and one boy came back to make another.  The other activities included music, story telling and wood working, and tea and cakes were provided.  I’ll do it again if asked, but next time I’ll just take the loom and the weaving sticks!

Stephanie Hoyle

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