WIG Weaving Project

Weavers Interest Group Project

Any guild interest group weavers are invited to make a small woven piece of a chosen weave structure. This is also open to all Guild members who may be interested in contributing, as not all have chosen to join in the Weaving Interest Group.

The pieces will be used as a loan collection for Highland Guild events and displays, but eventually returned to each maker. This is an ongoing project over time to ensure a changing collection of pieces for displays which highlight different types of weaving.

The idea is that we each decide on a weave structure or type of loom we would like to try out. It does not matter if two or more weavers decide to try out the same weave structure or type of weaving, as each weaver will  inevitably choose different colours or yarn types. This project is open ended with no time deadline!  All contributions will be welcomed, whatever the level of weaving experience .

Woven items can be roughly the following sizes to take account of different types of weaving. The idea is that small samples are more achievable.

1 by 10 inches 

2 by 6 inches 

4 by 6 inches 

6 by 8 inches

8 by 10 inches 

10 by 12 inches 

12 by 14 inches

Different sizing allows for the use of a range of  types of loom or weaving eg tapestry, rigid heddle, 4/8 shaft looms, peg looms, inkle looms, band looms etc.

If anyone wants to try out circular weaving, small pin frames, 3D or basket weaving etc., that is also a possibility.


Inkle weave {with or without pick up}

Band weave {with or without pick up}

Tapestry  {many different techniques to try}

Tabby on rigid heddle 

Dog tooth on rigid heddle

Log cabin on rigid heddle 

Peg loom weave

Twill { 1/4}] 1/3}]2/2} many varieties here on 4 or 8 shaft looms

Summer and winter {4/8 shaft looms}

Huck {4/8 shaft}

Monks belt [4/8 shaft }

Overshot {4/8 shaft}

Crackle {4/8}

Leno {4/8 or on rigid heddle}

Double weave {4\8 or on rigid heddle if have second heddle or tie ups}

Point twill {4/8 shaft}


Rya {4/8 shaft loom or rigid heddle}

** Any colours  and any choice of yarns , eg wool, cotton, linen, nettle, bamboo can be used .

A written label to attach to each piece of weaving is being designed and can either be downloaded from the guild website or collected at guild meetings . This will ensure that anyone looking at the woven sample pieces can immediately see:

  • the name of the weave structure 
  • the yarns used 
  • the weaver’s name
  • the type of loom it was woven on
  • any other relevant information 

This helps to inform others and encourages discussion. It also means that items can be easily returned to the original maker!

Happy Weaving !