Who are we?
We are a group of people from all over Highlands of Scotland and beyond who enjoy weaving, spinning or dyeing (often all three!).

We are always happy to encourage new members and beginners are welcome – no need to feel you might not be good enough; we all enjoy passing on our skills and learning from each other.
The info page has information about our committee and other things you may be interested in if you are a member or thinking of joining.
What do we do?
Workshops and Open Days
We hold monthly meetings from September to June, generally on the second Saturday of the month. We hold most of our meetings at the Highland Hotel, Strathpeffer. These are a mixture of workshops and open days.
On open days members can work on their own current projects, chat (there is a lot of that!), share skills etc. Non members are welcome, and this is a good opportunity for beginners to see a range of spinning wheels and other equipment in use.
Our workshops cover our core crafts, and other related topics such as design, knitting, basket making etc. They provide a great opportunity to meet up with like minded people and learn a diverse range of skills from spinning different types of fibres, through various types of weaving to basket making, felt making, the use of natural and synthetic dyes, and many others.
Full details of forthcoming workshops and booking forms are circulated via news letter as well as here on our web page, and as workshop places are often limited you are encouraged to book early.
Workshops usually run from 10am to 4pm.
The cost of workshops varies and details are announced in the Guild’s monthly newsletter and are included in the workshop details on the Activities page.
In the summer months small groups of members demonstrate their skills at some of the agricultural shows and craft fairs. Members also take part in local craft events throughout the year. We hope to keep you informed of what is planned and would welcome any other information on Events the guild might be interested in.

Every few years we hold an Exhibition to display our diverse work. Our 2013 exhibition was in Portree Library from 14 September to 2 November. Our 2010 exhibition toured Highland with weekend sessions at Nairn Community Centre, Castlehill Heritage Centre, Caithness, and the Aros Centre, Portree. In 2005 our exhibition was in the Inverness Museum in October/November.